For specialists
The benefits of brainstorming, team learning, joint innovative actions and resolving complicated problems as a group are numerous. Why? The sum of knowledge, experience and team members’ skills is always more powerful than the same attributes of a single individual. In addition, team collaboration teaches compromise, eases tension, offers more efficiency but also boosts motivation for action.
The benefits of brainstorming, team learning, joint innovative actions and resolving complicated problems as a group are numerous. Why? The sum of knowledge, experience and team members’ skills is always more powerful than the same attributes of a single individual. In addition, team collaboration teaches compromise, eases tension, offers more efficiency but also boosts motivation for action.
Do you struggle with staying focused, especially during routine tasks under pressure? You can’t accept other people’s mistakes? Do you feel that the potential of your team isn’t fully utilized? Or perhaps you’d like to reinforce habits that can support a learning organization?
“How to improve concentration and team learning” course will help you achieve the following objectives:
“How to improve concentration and team learning” course is a hands-on training – during the class, both online or onsite at a customer location, our workshop offers various training tools and methods: games, mini lecture, group or individual exercises to name a few.
What are the benefits of attending this course when it comes to your professional career and the company you work for?
Out of many training and development companies on the market Integra Consulting Poland is a company that cares and provides comprehensive customer service. We want our course participants to be encouraged to build team belonging and partnership relationships with other people. If you’d like to find out what we can offer