For specialists
“The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun” – said John D. Rockefeller and his words seem timeless. When talking about crucial employee competences, both managers’ and specialists’, the skill of effective communication is a number one skill.
„Umiejętność komunikowania się, stała się w dzisiejszym świecie towarem, za który gotów jestem płacić więcej, niż za jakikolwiek inny” – powiedział John D. Rockefeller. Jego słowa są wciąż aktualne. W końcu kiedy mówi się o kluczowych kompetencjach osób zatrudnianych w organizacjach – zarówno menedżerów, jak i specjalistów, na jednym z pierwszych miejsc wymienia się umiejętność skutecznej komunikacji.
Proper communication is essential when it comes to comprehension and intercommunication, it is fundamental to effective cooperation, indispensable when delegating tasks or enforcing tasks’ execution, crucial for motivating employees. Successful communication allows effective task completion, simplifies inter-department relations within the project teams and significantly affects the quality of management.
Main goal of this course is to improve and master the ability to express constructive messages and deliver proper feedback. What else?
Our “Effective communication and feedback” course is a hands-on training – our workshops include certified training games, role-play, case studies, persuasive training, teamwork etc.
Although we learn communication skills from early childhood, it needs continuous improving. We all make mistakes when we talk to other people. For example – we are not precise, we don’t ask questions, we don’t ensure we understood correctly and often our perception of others is based on our beliefs and experiences. “Effective communication and feedback” course will improve your personal efficiency, task execution as well as positively affect your current and future work relations.
What are the benefits of attending this course when it comes to your professional career and the company you work for?
We are a strong business partner. For over 25 years we have continued to teach employees about effective communication and feedback. We strive to ensure that the employee’s development and growth has a direct impact on the improved company performance. If you’d like to find out what we can offer