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For management

Difficult conversations with employees

Conversation is one of the most basic and, often unappreciated, management tools. One-on-one meeting, when the manager is focused on empathetic and deep listening, giving constructive feedback, showing his/her point of view and learning the employee’s opinion can be of great advantage. All employees need an honest and open conversation in order to grow as expected by the supervisor and the organization. Conversations allow supervisors to faster respond to misunderstandings and point out attitudes and behaviours that require improvement. Would you like to learn how to handle difficult conversations as a manager?

Training mode: online training, stationary training

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61 661 30 80

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Training mode: online training, stationary training

Difficult conversations with employees

Contact us now 61 661 30 80 Use our online form to send us a message and we’ll get right back to you
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Conversation is one of the most basic and, often unappreciated, management tools. One-on-one meeting, when the manager is focused on empathetic and deep listening, giving constructive feedback, showing his/her point of view and learning the employee’s opinion can be of great advantage. All employees need an honest and open conversation in order to grow as expected by the supervisor and the organization. Conversations allow supervisors to faster respond to misunderstandings and point out attitudes and behaviours that require improvement. Would you like to learn how to handle difficult conversations as a manager?

Difficult conversations with employees

Difficult conversations with employees

For whom?

If you care about influencing your teamwork and business indicators such as work satisfaction, commitment or lower employee turnover, it is absolutely necessary to possess the skills of conducting difficult conversations and shaping the correct behavioral patterns.

For whom?

Main strategic goal of this course is to develop skills and awareness of team leaders to recognize how their management, communication, cooperation and motivation style affect the employees and the organization. What else?

  • Improve the importance of your role as a manager and your authority when communicating with the employees;
  • Learn and practise new techniques of handing reluctance, protest and pressure from the employees;
  • Learn and practise new techniques of reacting to emotional employee behaviour;
  • Improve assertive attitude while respecting yourself, employees and the organization;
  • Gain opportunity to share good business practices and ideas how to come to an agreement during the conversations with your employees.

“Difficult conversations with employees” course is a hands-on training. Many exercises are based on a real-life manager conversation scenario - i.e. annual review meeting, salary increase or promotion requests/denials and other conversations types with a purpose to improve, correct or clarify certain employee behaviours, actions or attitudes.

Are you interested? Find out how you can benefit from our course.

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

Both the managers as well as the team members will find the subject of difficult conversation close to their hearts. What are the benefits of attending this course when it comes to your professional career and the company you work for?

For you:

For your company:

Tools and games

Difficult conversations with employees

During our workshops we use certified tools and training games.

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25 years of experience allows us to look at the problems of the organization and employee skills in a holistic way. We strive to ensure that the employee’s development and growth has a direct impact on the improved company performance. If you’d like to find out what we can offer

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