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For management

Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis

Mind games are unconscious methods of communication that consume energy and damage relationships. The ability to recognize and change these bad habits will significantly improve the quality of your life, not only at work! What are the benefits of attending “Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis” course when it comes to your professional career and the company you work for?

Training mode: online training, stationary training

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Training mode: online training, stationary training

Games in the organization - practical ...

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Interpersonal relations, in both our personal and work life, can sometimes cause too many unpleasant emotions, usually resembling one of the typical patterns: getting yourself into the same relationship and “carrying someone on your back”, becoming a victim of other people’s unjustified discontent with us, or sometimes others might start seeing us as a persecutor. These types of situation always worsen the quality of our personal and work life, in consequence draining our vital energy and financial resources. The reason for playing these mind games is our unconscious attitude towards other people, self and the world, as well as a tendency to impulsive and emotional reactions. Do people play mind games in your organization?

Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis

Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis

For whom?

Do you notice a low level of employee trust in the organization, reluctance, helplessness and a sense of lack of strength? Or perhaps your team members try to prove their beliefs through their actions? Do you observe wasting resources on thoughtless and expensive actions? Do more and more valuable employees tend to leave the company? Is work atmosphere tense because people keep looking for a scapegoat? If most of these problems appear from time to time, then “Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis” course will help you make a change.

For whom?

Main goal of this course:

  • Gaining practical knowledge to be able to recognize examples of bad relationships in both personal and work life;
  • Switching bad habits into healthier methods of communication and cooperation.

“Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis” course is a hands-on training based on real situations from your everyday personal and work life.

Are you interested? Find out how you can benefit from our course.

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

Mind games are unconscious methods of communication that consume energy and damage relationships. The ability to recognize and change these bad habits will significantly improve the quality of your life, not only at work!

What are the benefits of attending “Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis” course when it comes to your professional career and the company you work for?

For you:

For your company:

Tools and games

Games in the organization - practical use of transactional analysis

During our workshops we use certified tools and training games.

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We are a strong business partner. For over 25 years we have continued to teach employees about effective communication and building healthy work relationships. We believe in a holistic approach and strive to ensure that the employee’s development and growth has a direct impact on the improved company performance. If you’d like to find out what we can offer

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